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Category: Thoughts

Only 5 Items

See? This place has rules too, but they remind you nicely about them after you're already here when you turn on your television. This is the park channel, I believe. I wonder what counts as an item. I think we broke this rule. Four solar tiki torches, the Traeger and…

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Order for Ed!

So one time (when we were in Bandon, OR, a month or so ago having fish & chips) we were sitting outside waiting for our order. There were several tables of other people in various stages of eating and waiting for orders, and this couple on our left and kind…



When we're at home and not in the Airstream I find myself increasingly frustrated at the amount of unused stuff we have. We've lived in our home since 1997 and it's gone through two kids and several redecorating schemes. (The redecorating where you take everything out of a room, paint…



I was reading Tiffany's blog Camp1899 and found this thoughful post about competition and comparison with regard to other people's blogs/lifestyles/cute hair/whatever, and it led me then to this post over on the Creature Comforts blog about the gap in true reality and the presentation of reality on blogs. I think…

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