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Princess Cove to Ganges Harbour (BC)

Rainbow, Princess Cove, Wallace Island, BC


Too bad we never saw anyone out on this sailboat. I bed they'd like this perfectly placed rainbow. 

We slept in a bit this morning, made breakfast, did some work, and then concluded that it didn't look TOO bad out there (yet) so we decided to head over to Ganges Harbour on Saltspring Island. We'd meet up with some friends, have a bite to eat, and be 11 miles or so closer to Anacortes. 

The wind was howling, but the waves weren't bad at all…about a 2 ft chop…kinda fun. Our little Canadian courtesy flag on the bow was whippin' so hard though that it just became a whir of pink! 

We're in Ganges Marina now with power and good Wi-Fi. It's off and on sunny and cloudy but so far no rain. It's warm(ish) with some occasional wind gusts. On our way in we saw SO many sailboats on their way out for a Sunday sail. Great weather for it! Today's 20-30kt winds would be good for some heavy air practice.

When we left Anacortes in May and headed north for Alaska, our first night was here on Salt Spring Island. It's nicely symmetric that we're here again tonight on the last night of our trip before heading back to Anacortes in the morning. 

Dinner tonight with friends at the Hastings Bistro! 

Today's short route (13 nautical miles):

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