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I was tired of having that canister of bear spray at the top of the blog, so here's a pretty picture of water instead:


This is from late December, after Christmas, when we were cruising the back side of San Juan Island with our friends Jake and Patti, looking for whales. 


  1. Kevin McLaughlin Kevin McLaughlin

    I watched your AIS track in realtime, saw you reverse course, and thought, “whales!” And then I womdered how many whales vs whale watching boats. You answered my questions aptly, and now aimahve one for you: Ehy watmough when there are other bays along The south shore of Lopez to chose from? Yes, Watmough looks great from your videos and photos, but still…..some secret treasure known only to the crew of Airship? Pirate booty? A cache of Prohibition Canadian whisky that exposes at low tide? Oysters, at least?

    • Haha yeah. Lots of whale-watching boats today!

      We can neither confirm nor deny the presence of a cache of Prohibition Canadian whisky at low tide here at Watmough.

      We have Kevin’s mom with us for five days/four nights and wanted to give her a good sampling of the islands: Patos and Sucia, Roche Harbor, Watmough, and next up is Rosario (and a little spa time to end with). 🙂

  2. Kevin McLaughlin Kevin McLaughlin

    Ipad typos galore

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