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The Boathouse for fish & chips, then hiking Bodega Head

Today we went out to grab some lunch and on Kyle's recommendation we stopped in at The Boathouse for some fish & chips. They were great…good crunchy batter, good fish…although I did hear the guy at the counter tell another customer that the cod they're using right now came from Oregon. What the heck? Those sneaky Californians using Oregonian cod! 

Inside this place there's a wall of fish pictures and it's super faded and looks great so I shot a quick photo of a very small part of it (colors not adjusted):


Here's what the outside looks like:


We thought we'd do a little hike after lunch and so we headed out to the Bodega Head trailhead. I think there was one main, mellow path that was about a mile and a half, but we didn't take that. Or maybe we took part of it at some point, but mainly the paths we were on looked like this:


and this (yes, there's a trail through those flowers):


With views like this:


and this:


We hiked about 3 miles (and according to the FitBit, the equivalent of 45 flights of stairs). It was just gorgeous.

I took a few map screen grabs of where we were (see our campground loops on the other side of Campbell Cove?). The car was parked at the end of West Side Road at the trailhead.




And now, back to work.